Crime Alerts & Prevention

Town of Stevensville Police Department


Porch Package Thieves - Be on the alert, We have received that as many as 100 packages have been stolen from porches in the Ravalli County area within recent weeks.


Request that packages be delivered during a time that is convenient for you to be home.

Request that packages be held at the post office.

Request that they be delivered to your back yard area. 

Computer Scam-  There is currently a scam that can occur when you click on a link, when on your computer. If you see a pop-up that asks you to contact Microsoft with a number because your computer has been corrupted with a virus or with child pornography, write down the number; close the pop-up and power down the computer. When powering back up, run a virus scan to determine if anything can be detected. Next verify the Microsoft number. 

The odds are that it was a scam attempting to scare you into providing your personal identifiers or providing some form of payment. 


Gas/Fuel Siphoning - Be on alert. There have been reports of fuel being siphoned out of vehicles in the Stevensville and Ravalli County area. If you own a newer vehicle that does not have a fuel cap. Consult with your dealer, mechanic or auto parts store to determine if you may be able to place a fuel cap on your vehicle. 

Senior Scams- Please use this link to become informed of the many ways seniors are being targeted by scammers and how to protect yourself.