Citizen Assistance & Complaints

Can complaint forms be submitted anonymously?

No, reporting party information is required. In the rare instance where resolving a violation involves legal action, the reporting party may be required to testify in court. Over 90% of cases are resolved through voluntary compliance during the investigation and inspection process. City staff will not disclose any reporting party information during the investigation and inspection process.*

*Pursuant to Montana State Law, the Town of Stevensville is not authorized to disclose confidential criminal justice information prior to the filing of an official criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding.  This means that the identity or any identifying information regarding the complaining witness will not be shared with anyone, including suspects until such proceeding is initiated.  Additionally, any suspect in a code violation investigation that threatens, harasses, or intimidates a potential witness in the investigation could be subject to criminal penalties for tampering with witnesses and informants.  Doing so carries a potential penalty of up to 10 years in prison and up to $50,000 in fines. If a complainant is threatened, harassed, or intimidated by a suspect they are encouraged to call the Town of Stevensville Police Department and file a report.

How do I report a complaint?

Complete and submit a Citizen Assistance & Complaint Form. Please note, forms submitted with invalid or incomplete reporting party information will constitute a false report and will not be processed.  

What is the Town’s process for handling complaints?

The submission of the complaint form triggers the investigation/ inspection process. This process determines if a violation exists. If a violation exists, the property owner is notified of the violation. City staff will then work with the property owner to achieve voluntary compliance. On rare occasions, when voluntary compliance is not achieved, the City will pursue legal action. Legal action is always the last resort. Over 90% of cases are resolved in the investigation/ inspection phase with no legal action needed.

What types of issues can be addressed by the complaint form?

Reportable issues may include, but are not limited to:

  • Trash/Litter
  • Weeds/ Grass
  • Abandoned Vehicles
  • Domestic Animal
  • Noise
  • Snow Removal
  • ADA Compliance
  • Road/Traffic